Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sweet Life Sauce Company and the ole' Recipes Tab...

We get quite a few requests for our recipes at Sweet Life Sauce Company. Our sauces and rubs are used in all of the recipes you find on the recipes tab at make an effort to put up unique recipes tried right here in the kitchen at the ole’ homestead.

Some of the recipes listed do not have active links attached to them…yet. We have every intention of making them active links however, the chunk of protein we desire to show in the recipe has yet to get into my paws to cook it.

For example…Pomp on the Beach. This recipe, when we do it, will blow you away. Problem with this recipe is it includes a fresh Pompano…caught on the beach. This means ME catching it and cooking it right there. With the weather we had this past winter, prime Pompano fishing time, there wasn’t a Pompano to be found in my usual Pompano fishing haunts. Pomp on the Beach will have to wait.

Another one…Stoned Fish. I have this really cool grilled fish idea ready to go that will utilize a hot as hell cooking stone on the ole’ grill in the back yard. For me to pull this one off…I needed to get a grill that would actually fit the stone I have…now that I have the grill to fit the stone the next step is to go get my hands on a fresh Mangrove Snapper or Yellowtail so I can film the recipe for you…again…the wait will be worth it.

We have had excellent feedback with quite a few of our recipes to date. Some are even getting a following on YouTube. Sweet Life Garlic Pegged Grilled Shrimp is a very simple grilled shrimp recipe that was inspired by a fishing lure I use hunting for the elusive Pomp on the Beach in said recipe above. When we flip this recipe out in front of friends and family it is amazing to watch how quickly they disappear. We have friends that don’t eat shrimp but eat Sweet Life Garlic Pegged Shrimp.

Then there is our big hit recipe called Sweet Life Bacon Wrapped Turkey Breast Stuffed with Chicken and Sweet Onion. This recipe was loosely inspired by a Turducken. You take a whole package of bacon and wrap it around a pounded out turkey breast that is stuffed with boneless chicken thighs and a chunked up sweet onion. It is really easy to make and will be a tailgating favorite this Fall as we do the college football scene.

If you are getting ready for a shindig, backyarder, clam bake, crawfish boil, pig roast, or a tailgate party check us out at Try them out for yourself...

Dr. Pepper Ribs
Garlic Pegged Shrimp
Sweet Life Bacon Wrapped Grilled Turkey stuffed with Chicken and Sweet Onion
Sweet Life Grilled Salmon Poached with Beer

All is well in the land!

Rob W.
Owner and Founder
Sweet Life Sauce Company

Sweet Life Sauce Company

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We are getting ready to wrap up with Part 3 of a 3 part interview with Vic Clinco and Sweet Life Sauce Company...and I'll let you know I've learned much. Its not just about this really cool Hot Sauce Collection, but about the Fiery Foods industry as a whole.

I'm feeling more and more privileged to be a part of this new industry for Sweet Life Sauce Company and my family every day.

We continue and finish our interview with Vic "I carry bullets filled with Hot Sauce on my key chain" Clinco...Hot Sauce Collector Extraordinaire.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Vic, you have really given us some great ideas for some food makes me wonder one thing. Do you put Hot Sauce on everything you eat?

Vic Clinco: EVERYTHING!! I always have a selection on my person with a set of bullet canisters I keep on my key chain. I have three of them and keep a supply of Jolokia dust in one of them so I can always add some heat to whatever I'm eating...wherever I'm eating.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: (Jaw drop sound in background...did he just say bullets on his key chain again?) So you have like bullets on your key chain...???

Vic Clinco: Yep...I have three of them. Right here in front of me...I'm looking at them right now. They have these little screw thingys on them (poetic license taken here) and you can put stuff inside them. I always have some Jolokia Pepper Dust in one these days...just sprinkle it on anything when I need it. I have another with usually a Blairs product in it...and I'll mix it up on the third depending on how I'm feeling. They work great...

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Everything?


Sweet Life Sauce Company: Wow...that is pretty cool. Now that I understand this passion much more deeply now, let's go with an easy question. What's the oldest bottle of Hot Sauce in your collection?

Vic Clinco: That would be a bottle of Ass Kickin' Hot Sauce. It's in an original bottle with their original label. It's either their first product, the Original or their Roasted Garlic. It may even be signed if I remember. That would be the one.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: I've had a chance to see a picture of your Hot Sauce Collection when you resided in Orlando. Its over the Hot Sauce Bar at Tijuana Flats off 436. Impressive even from years ago and this leads me to my next question. Knowing you're a Florida native that has found himself in Arizona, I hear you may have even made a wrong turn in Albuquerque, just what does moving a Hot Sauce collection from Florida to Arizona did you do it?

Vic Clinco: We moved over 2,000 bottles from our home in Florida to Arizona. I personally individually wrapped each and every bottle in bubble wrap and gently placed them in sturdy boxes and packed them with peanuts.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: every bottle had a chance to get some loving care from you as it was packed up...didn't leave that for the movers did you?

Vic Clinco: Noooo...not the Hot Sauce Collection. Let em' move the china and the antiques...but not the Hot Sauce Collection. My biggest dose of anxiety came the day we moved and one of the associates helping us picked up one of the boxes...its as if he slapped my baby and tried to make out with my wife. That was a No-No.

I knew I would have to take it all from there...NO ONE was going to touch my Hot Sauce Collection. I pretty much had the movers leave the Hot Sauce boxes alone and I moved them one by one into the truck. Then we positioned mattress in the front of the box pile, closed them in with another mattress, and wrapped them up tight. I'd say they had a nice and cozy nest to travel in.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Burning many did you break?

Vic Clinco: Made it all the way to Arizona without one bottle being broken. Took hours but it was worth it.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: So we're getting ready to wrap this interview up...question I've had all along in the back of my head...have you ever been in a situation where you had to decide between the Hot Sauce Collection or "insert thing more important than Hot Sauce collection here?"

Vic Clinco: (no pause) NEVER!

Vic...our sincere thanks from Sweet Life Sauce Company for sharing your knowledge and connections with a rookie in this incredible industry. Your passion for all things spicy shows and the manner in which you are willing to share your knowledge and willingness to "pay it forward" is inspiring and we will be sure to do the same given the opportunity.

We are hopeful at Sweet Life Sauce Company to make your list of favorites in the near future...your order should be at your door...BooDreaux's Cajun Rocket Fuel and Screamin' Peaches Hot Sauce are incredibly "Bullets on your Key chain" friendly.

All is well in the land!

Rob Willets
Owner and Founder
Sweet Life Sauce Company
Small batch BBQ Sauces, Hot Sauces, and Grilling Rubs

Sweet Life Sauce Company

Sunday, June 6, 2010


This is installment 2 of a 3 part interview with Vic Clinco. Vic may have the largest Private Hot Sauce Collection in the United States. There is one we could find that was larger with it is a company collection. It is impressive at over 6,000 bottles from some research online. However, they don't have Sweet Life Sauce Company Hot Sauces in their collection...

Vic does...

Vic wins!

Funny how we crossed paths with a simple purchase of BooDreaux's Cajun Rocket Fuel and Screamin' Peaches Hot Sauce...

We present you part 2 of our interview with Vic Clinco...Hot Sauce Collector Extraordinaire!

Sweet Life Sauce Company: What are some of your favorites...your go to brands of Hot Sauce?

Vic Clinco: For the everyday all purpose Hot Sauce I always have some Crystal or Louisiana Hot Sauce around. From there, I really dig CaJohns...especially their Holy Jolokia out I love that stuff. Then there is Toluca Gourmet and their Jalapeno and Habanero Hot Sauces...Danny Cash Hot Sauce out of Colorado is one of my favorites...great flavors and heat with their products. One more would be Scotty B's Gourmet Hot Sauces out of San Diego.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Nastiest Hot Sauce?

Vic Clinco: Easy one...there was a line of hot sauces thrown together from a not to be named professional sports league...the stuff they put in those bottles is flat out nasty...nothing good to say about that line other than you can get a cool label with your favorite team on it. Yuk.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Best Hot Sauce to put on Vanilla Ice Cream?

Vic Clinco: Hands down...Denzel's Mom's Apple and Cinnamon Habanero Hot Sauce...hands down. I'm not sure if it is still being made but it goes really well with some ice cream.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: So I'm going to look for a good Hot Sauce to pair with a Red Wine...say a heavy Cab or a Shiraz...what would you suggest?

Vic Clinco: Oooohhhh....CaJohns Holy Jolokia...great flavor and heat that will blend well with the tannins of a good Red. Definitely.

And so goes part 2 of our interview with Vic Clinco. We hope you are enjoying the read. In our third and final installment of our interview with Vic we're going to find out:

  • What Vic won't put Hot Sauce's a pretty short list.

  • The finer points of moving the country's largest private hot sauce collection across 3 time zones...and the over under on how many were broken doing so.

  • The Oldest Bottle of Hot Sauce in his collection.

  • Life choices...Hot Sauce or....
Until then, enjoy lots of Hot Sauce...especially our two at Sweet Life Sauce Company: Boodreaux's Cajun Rocket Fuel and Screamin' Peaches Hot Sauce.

Soon to be some of Vic's Favorites!

All is well in the land!

Get your SAUCE!

Rob W.

Owner and Founder

Sweet Life Sauce Company

Friday, June 4, 2010


"So Vic...just how many bottles of Hot Sauce DO you have in your collection right now...?"

"Ah man...Rob...let me of a couple days was just north of...hmmmm....just running some numbers in my head...just north of 2,370...but we have some orders coming in the mail this week that should put us over the 2,380 number, shooting for 2,400 in no time."

(the muffled thump Vic heard in the background was my jaw hitting the Mexican tile on my back porch in Florida)

I need to set this up for you.

Two weeks ago I'm looking at the Sweet Life Sauce Company Fan Page on Facebook and I get these tagged photos of this extensive private Hot Sauce collection from Vic Clinco out in Arizona. Pretty cool just at that but then I see one of the pics has our two hot sauces; Boodreax's Cajun Rocket Fuel and Screamin' Peaches Hot Sauce. I'm thinking this is pretty cool that our two sauces are already in a Hot Sauce collection like this...but then it hits in the heck did our Hot Sauces show up in a Hot Sauce collection in Arizona...I gotta talk to this Vic guy!
After a few back and forths with some private messaging, Vic and I set up a time to speak on the phone. During our conversation, Vic was kind in accepting my offer to interview him for our blog at Sweet Life Sauce Company.

We offer this Part 1 of 3 interview to you with Vic Clinco: Hot Sauce Collector Extraordinaire!

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Vic...what is the watershed moment, that childhood memory or event from your past sticks in your mind that you are and were destined to be a Hot Sauce sauce addict?

Vic Clinco: was probably in High School in Florida. I can remember being at a watching party for the Final 4 Basketball Tournament...Georgetown was in the final 4's. I was at a party that this hot sauce was getting passed around with my friends and a few of them were hitting the floor in pain and carrying on about how hot this particular hot sauce was...I said give it to me...I poured it on and threw it in my mouth and LOVED it. It was one of Miss Anna's and I was hooked from there on...Matouk's fit the bill for me as well in the earlier years. I definitely became a fan of Hot Sauce then...but hadn't started collecting until later years.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: How did this hobby of collecting Hot Sauces start?

Vic Clinco: Well about 14 years ago...about the same year my wife and I were married I received a 12 pack of random hot sauces from around the country for a Christmas present. I always had them out on our counter in plain view and as friends and family would come by they would always comment on our 12 bottle Hot Sauce collection. Seems as though this little gift of 12 had some legs as those same friends and family started giving us Hot Sauces from their travels and it began to grow from there.

I pretty quickly picked up a copy of Jennifer Trainer Thompson's book "The Great Hot Sauce Book". I loved the full page shots of all the bottles and used that as a model for our walls of Hot Sauce. I had a blast finding the Hot Sauces in her book and marking each one of them off with a felt tip pen as they came into my collection.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: With 14 years or so of collecting under your belt and the mention of you tying the start of this hobby back to your wedding...I suspect there may be some level of support for this hobby with your wife? I mean...I know lots of men that have had their man caves reduced to a slide show on their iPhone of the 10 pound bass they caught...your wife has let you take over entire rooms in your home for this hobby...

Vic Clinco: (laughing) wife is the closet Hot Sauce collector in our family. She's not the "go out and hunt and find what you can run across" type in stores and such..she's the "laser focused tactical" type that uses technology and the good ole' Post Office to get the perfect Hot Sauce additions in our collection to our front door. She is a huge fan as well and we have a great time as a family with our Hot Sauce hobby.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: What tips can you give to budding collectors on where to look for new Hot Sauces?

Vic: Wow...let's see...I'm the type of collector that will randomly stop at some small grocery store, the local grocer types, Mexican groceries, gift shops. I love finding the $0.89 centers that have no marketing, no fancy labels...just hot sauce and a bottle. I am always looking for these types. I'm also really big on developing relationships with the manufactures and the men and women around the country that bring these products out to the market each and every year. Most makers have Facebook pages, websites, many's awesome when you can interact directly with the owners and makers of these products.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Looks to me that this isn't just a hobby for the Clinco's...your love for Hot Sauce is a lifestyle?

Vic Clinco: Hot Saucing for us is a lifestyle. I mean we will plan vacations around Hot Sauce Conventions and gourmet food shows where we know there will be a good contingent of Hot Sauces available. I have actually worked show booths with a few of our favorites like Flaming Joe's out at the Fiery Foods Show in Albuquerque. We were on cruise this past year in the Caribbean and found our shore trips to be a treasure chest of finds for hot sauces we had never run across before.

Sweet Life Sauce Company: Biggest AHA! moment in your pursuit of Hot Sauces?

Vic Clinco: Probably from a visit I received at my home from a friend in the industry...he walked into my Hot Sauce den and started pointing out all the hot sauces on the shelf that had the same product on the inside of the bottle...only difference being the label on the outside. There is a big part of the industry that simply places the same products in the same bottles but changes up the image through the labels and packaging. Still fun to collect though and there are some good ones.

Thanks for the info Vic for Part 1. We'll get Part 2 out in a day or two and in Part 2...we'll learn
  • Vics favorite Hot Sauces and why...all you Hot Sauce makers get ready.
  • Hot Sauce pairing with Vanilla Ice Cream and a Shiraz.
  • A little history on how he found Sweet Life Sauce Company Hot Sauces.
Until we say at Sweet Life Sauce Company...(and all my buddies in New England said...) All is well in the land!

Rob W.
Owner and Founder...and sometimes writer
Sweet Life Sauce Company